About ÜDiAL

Initial Motivation


The trans­lation service ÜbersetzungsDienst Anna Lasik was founded in 2010. In the be­ginning, ÜDiAL pro­vided trans­lation ser­vices with Ger­man as either the source or the tar­get language for most common­ly re­quest­ed language-pairs (DE <-> EN, NL, PL, IT, ES, FR). At that time, still study­ing Trans­lation Stu­dies and dri­ven by the mo­ti­va­tion to help young pro­fessionals gain a foot­hold in the trans­lation in­dus­try, Anna came up with her first business con­cept: Why not actually ad­ver­tise with the young ge­ne­ration of specialist trans­lators and create price-competitive ad­vantages for customers who are also enthusiastic about our idea. A win-win si­tuation for all people in­volved.

Growing Period

2011 – 2013

It did not take long un­til our business con­cept star­ted to work and short­ly after the initial build-up phase, we ex­tend­ed our language offer. Still with Ger­man be­ing either the source or tar­get language, ÜDiAL pro­vided trans­lations in­to al­most all and from al­most all Euro­pean languages as well as trans­lations with the language com­bi­nation German <-> US-English / Chinese / Japanese. In or­der to meet the customer’s ex­pectations and serve the re­quest­ed language pairs, we gradual­ly ex­tended our pool of initially se­ven free­lance trans­lators to approximately 160 linguists.

Further Development

2014 - 2016

From 2014 to 2016, ÜDiAL’s founder Anna Lasik took on a job opportunity in England. She saw in this a good opportuni­ty to learn from the big sharks of the trans­lation in­dustry. During this time, she did not only de­velop her managing skills, but al­so gained valuable ex­perience in areas such as pro­ject planning, customer ser­vice and qua­li­ty assurance. In addition, she deepened her know­ledge of trans­lation techno­lo­gies and in­dustry-spe­cific soft­ware. With all this newly gained professional and per­sonal ex­perience, Anna de­cided to re­turn to Ger­many and to de­di­cate her­self to her own business again.

New Business Concept


2017: ÜDiAL intro­duces a new business model. To­day, qua­li­ty, pro­fessional attitude and fair pri­ces are ÜDiAL’s hall­marks. ÜDiAL works ex­clusive­ly with pro­fessional­ly qua­li­fied uni­versity gra­duates, state-approved trans­lators and ex­perienced specialist trans­lators and offers tar­get-group and cul­ture-oriented (specialized) trans­lations. In order to meet the clients’ expectations and create top quality trans­lations, ÜDiAL works to­gether with native speaking trans­lators and partners all over the world. Al­though we are primarily pro­viding language ser­vices in Ger­man, English and Polish, our large net­work allows us to handle trans­lation re­quests with other language combi­nations as well.