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How can I accept or reject changes made in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice documents?

Accept/reject changes in Microsoft Word documents:

  1. Please click on the Review tab in your document

  2. ÜDiAL_FAQ_Accept or reject changes in MS Word file_Image 1

  3. Af­ter view­ing all suggestions, you can now ac­cept or re­ject the visible chan­ges made to the do­cu­ment. This can be done either by go­ing to the Review tab > Accept or Reject or by right-click­ing on the particular change and choosing either Accept Change or Reject Change.

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  1. When accepting or re­jecting a change in the me­nu bar, you will find more features. By click­ing on Accept/Reject and Move to Next, you will auto­matical­ly move to the next change made to the do­cu­ment. If you want to accept or re­ject all changes at once, please click on Accept/Reject all Changes Shown or Accept/Reject all Changes in the Document.

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Accept/reject changes in OpenOffice documents:

The func­tionalities in an Open­Office do­cu­ment are very simi­lar to the ones in Micro­soft Word. The main difference is a different na­ming of the tabs and func­tions. In or­der to accept or re­ject a change made in an Open­Office do­cu­ment, please click on the Edit tab in your do­cu­ment and then go to Changes > Accept or Reject… For more de­tails, please see "Accept/reject changes in Word documents".

How long does it take to process an order?

The processing time of an or­der de­pends on the text type, the volume and our availabi­li­ty. Based on this, we will send you a quote in­cluding an estimated de­livery date. Since the quote is non-binding and is sub­ject to the client’s approval, all de­livery dates can on­ly be estimated dates. After the acceptance of an or­der, we nor­mally com­ply with the stated de­livery times and consider them as binding. How­ever, in order to secure our­selves le­gally – for example, in case of any unfore­see­able events – our General Terms and Con­ditions state that we may ex­tend the de­livery date, but on­ly by a maximum of 7 working days. For more de­tails, please vi­sit our Ge­neral Terms and Con­ditions.

How does the order process work?

  1. Please attach your do­cu­ment to your re­quest either by using our con­tact form or direct­ly by e-mail. In our con­tact form, you will find both a sub­ject line and a text box. Here, you can not on­ly add the language pair, but al­so spe­ci­fy your re­quire­ments. The more de­tailed in­for­mation on the trans­lation’s pur­pose we get, the better we will be able to deter­mine the price and de­livery date in a non-binding quote, which we will send out short­ly after your re­quest.
  2. Short­ly after your re­quest (this may take up to 5 working days in exceptional cases; see General Terms and Conditions/Order placement), we will send out a quote in­cluding an esti­mated de­livery date (see FAQ/Processing time) and a price offer.
  3. If you are satis­fied with the quote, you can place your or­der, in­cluding any in­dividual specifi­cations. Or­der place­ments must be in writing, i. e. via our con­tact form, e-mail or by post.
  4. Af­ter the cus­tomer con­firms the or­der, we will send out an or­der con­fir­mation. On­ly then – when both the cus­tomer and ÜDiAL have con­firmed the or­der – a binding con­tract exists be­tween the cus­tomer and ÜDiAL. For more in­for­ma­tion, please vi­sit our Ge­neral Terms and Conditions.

How can I delete comments in a Microsoft Word or an OpenOffice document?

Delete comments in Microsoft Word document:

You must manually re­vise in accordance with editor comments. Micro­soft Word does not auto­matical­ly make the change suggested in a comment. Comments are meant to correct re­curring pro­blems or communicate di­rect­ly with the author.

  1. The easiest way to de­lete a comment is to right-click on the de­sired comment box and then to select the option Delete Comment. You can also de­lete comments by clicking the Review tab in your me­nu bar.

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Delete comments in OpenOffice file:

Like in Microsoft Word do­cuments, Open­Office does not auto­matical­ly make the change suggested in a comment. Comments are meant to correct re­curring pro­blems or communicate di­rectly with the author. To de­lete a comment, move your mouse to the right-hand side. Right-click on the comment and select Delete Comment from the drop­down menu. This will re­move the comment.

Is the proofreader able to determine all mistakes in the document?

The aim of a proof­reading job is to eli­mi­nate linguistic and stylis­tic mis­takes to the greatest possible ex­tent. This means that the proof­reader will check your text for correct spelling, gram­mar, punc­tuation and hyphena­tion. All corrections made to the do­cu­ment re­main vi­sible and com­pre­hen­sible for the cus­tomer. By keeping all corrections visi­ble, the cus­tomer can easily accept or de­cline a change (see FAQ/Accept/Reject changes). It can­not be guaranteed that all mis­takes and errors in the do­cu­ment will be eliminated. The Ger­man in­dustry association of free editors (Branchen­verband der Freien Lektor­innen und Lektoren (VFLL)) assumes that about 95 per­cent of all spelling, punc­tuation and gram­mar mis­takes should be found in a ”good“ proof­reading or editing service.

Are the delivery deadlines stated in the quote binding?

De­livery dead­lines are gi­ven to the cus­tomer to the best of our know­ledge and be­lief and are usually com­plied with. The de­li­very dead­lines are always expected dates, where­by – and on­ly in exceptional cases, such as due to unfore­see­able events – the or­der will be for­warded to the customer within a period of 7 work­ing days after the speci­fied de­livery pe­riod at the latest. In the case of postal de­liveries, the sub­sequent pos­tal de­livery time is usually three to five working days. A de­livery is con­sidered to have ta­ken place when the processed or­der has been sent to the cus­tomer. Upon re­ceipt of the trans­lation or of the proof­read do­cu­ment, the cus­tomer shall no­ti­fy us by e-mail or phone immediately.

When can I request a free sample translation?

We offer a free sample trans­lation for potential business cus­tomers (long-term c­ooperation) or for cus­tomers who have a larger trans­lation or­der but would like to test our ser­vices be­fore pla­cing the whole do­cu­ment with us. If the sam­ple trans­lation is not re­quested by a potential business cus­tomer, it will only be pro­duced from a potential or­der volume of at least 20 DIN A 4 pages. The sample trans­lation may not exceed a maximum of 300 words and must be part of the potential order.

When does a binding contract between the customer and ÜDiAL exist?

A con­tract be­tween the cus­tomer and ÜDiAL exists on­ly when:

  1. the cus­tomer accepts the offer pro­vided in the non-binding quote by con­firming it in written form (via our contact form or e-mail) and
  2. ÜDiAL has sent an or­der con­fir­mation in writing (via e-mail) af­ter re­ceiving the cus­tomer’s or­der place­ment.

On­ly if both par­ties have a­greed to the offer (in written form), a con­tract exists be­tween the cus­tomer and ÜDiAL.

How does the payment process work?

Af­ter re­ceipt of the in­voice, the cus­tomer has 14 days to trans­fer the agreed a­mount to the account in­di­cated in the in­voice. Pay­ments are on­ly possible by bank trans­fer or, if agreed upon, in cash. As long as the pay­ment has not been re­ceived, the ser­vice pro­vided be­longs to ÜDiAL. Af­ter re­ceipt of pay­ment, the trans­lation be­longs to the customer and may be adjusted, changed or used for other purposes.