About Us

What does ÜDiAL stand for?

A language and translation service provider that keeps its promises!

Did you ever read some­thing that just did not seem “right”? Since “translator” is not a pro­tected job title, any­one can pro­vide trans­lation ser­vices – whether the per­son is qua­li­fied or not. Cer­tain­ly, this may be quite harm­less, but what if your text sounds like a trans­lation? Would you still want to pub­lish it?

All trans­lations and proof­reading ser­vices are per­formed by quali­fied trans­lators with a uni­ver­si­ty de­gree in trans­lation studies and with se­veral years of pro­fessional ex­perience. Come and see for yourself!

What does ÜDiAL stand for?

A language and trans­lation service pro­vider that keeps its promises! All trans­lations and proof­reading ser­vices are per­formed by quali­fied trans­lators with a uni­versity de­gree in trans­lation studies and with several years of pro­fessional experience.

Come and see for yourself!