Linguistic Review
Your text needs a linguistic review?
We examine grammar, spelling and punctuation for you. Information and examples can be found here.
Usually, proofreading means that your text is going to be examined for its linguistic accuracy. But what exactly does such an examination include? If you think that a linguistic review should contain the examination of linguistic aspects such as spelling, grammar and punctuation you won half the battle. A proofreader also checks if, for example, used word pairs are arranged properly in the given language. Linguists call this collocation. Today, people say and write it don’t matter more and more frequently, either thinking it is correct or believing that it does not matter since it is very commonly used in the English speaking world. But does it really not matter what we say or read? Using it don’t matter is very colloquial and may be used in speech or for artistic purposes such as in song lyrics or poetry or in literature and movies for certain characters. In grammatical terms – unless we are using irregular verbs – whenever writing in present tense and in third person, using pronouns like he, she or it, we have to add an s to the end of the verb following the third person (he, she, it). Or would you say “he do not care”? Certainly not! So, why use “it do not matter” instead of “it does not matter”?
In addition to checking spelling, grammar and punctuation, a proofreader also examines whether the text is comprehensible. When proofreading a text, the linguist checks if the used terms, phrases and words actually say what the author means to say (semantics), and if word pairs are coherent (collocation). There are different types of proofreading services, which one is the right one for you?
Proofreading can be more than a linguistic review. ÜDiAL offers proofreading, editing and revision of other translations.