
We do not simply translate, we innovate!

A professional translation is more than the transmission of the source language into the target language.

Not every word has a cor­re­spond­ing e­quiv­a­lent in every other lan­guage. Ger­man, for ex­am­ple, is known for hav­ing long com­pound words. By add­ing one word to an­other, it is pos­si­ble to cre­ate eter­nal­ly long words. Just ima­gine hav­ing to trans­late the Ger­man word Donau­dampf­schiff­fahrts­ge­sell­schafts­kapitän (Engl. Danube + steamship + company + captain). A trans­lation without re­phras­ing or pa­ra­phras­ing is clear­ly not pos­si­ble – at least not, if you want your trans­lation to sound like it has been written by a na­tive speaker. There are al­so words that oc­cur in both the source and the tar­get lan­guage, but do not mean the same in both lan­guages. On the one hand, if Ameri­cans, for ex­am­ple, are go­ing to the gym (stands for: gymnasium), they sim­ply want to work out. Ger­mans on the other hand, are attend­ing a cer­tain type of school (Germ.: Gymnasium). And if British tourists order minced meat, they do not ex­pect to get meat in mint sauce, but rath­er ground meat.

As you can see, lin­guis­tic, syn­tac­ti­cal and gram­ma­ti­cal com­pe­tences are just one side of the sto­ry. In or­der to create a good trans­lation, cul­ture-re­lated spe­ci­fics need to be con­si­dered as well. Further­more, the aim of the trans­lation, the audience, as well as dif­fer­ent text types, must be gi­ven thought as well. Or would you en­joy read­ing a trans­lation, whose ori­gi­nal was clear­ly written for marketing-re­lated pur­poses, that is full of con­fus­ing officialese?

ÜDiAL offers you a pro­fessional trans­lation ser­vice that is fit for your pur­pose.

Find out more about our offer!

We do not simply translate, we innovate!

A pro­fession­al trans­lation is more than the trans­mission of the source lan­guage in­to the tar­get lan­guage. ÜDiAL of­fers you a pro­fession­al trans­lation ser­vice that is fit for your purpose.

Find out more about our offer!